And the eating is easy,
Parmesan cheese is in,
Tomatoes are lycopene,
Spaghetti is rich,
Raw onion is healthy,
The sauce is lip-smacking,
So rush in, my Muse-y,
Don't be shy,
Dinnertime ...
Life is pock-marked with adversities, our thinking is riddled with fallacies and our perceptions are hobbled with illusions. The challenge is not to bury your head in the sand, not to be lost among the trees unable to see the forest, not to seek revenge or sympathy and justice, but to soldier on building the dung ball of your consciousness, for that is all you've got and need, to arrive at your final destination - ultimate reality.
For he is a jolly good porker,
For he is a jolly good porker,
So said his clappers,
So said his clappers!
Belly up, belly ho,
Snug in the tub,
No bend touch toe!
Eyes porcine,
Keen on the wine,
Swills the swine!
A trotter a copper,
A clod a-twitter,
Cloven hooves,
Bristly hair,
Down Under,
Outer Underwear.
For he is a jolly good porker,
For he is a jolly good porker,
So said all of his clappers,
So said all of his clappers.
In the land of the blind, it is not smart to tell you are sighted,
In the Third Reich, it was not smart to tell you were a Jew,
In a dog pack, the smart thing to do is keep your tail between your legs,
In Tripoli, it is not a good idea to talk at a tangent
From any group you happen to be with, just blend in;
If you happen to be in Taliban country, dress appropriately,
If you are among Calibans, don't quote Shakespeare,
Least not from The Tempest;
Among nuts, don't say you're a screw,
Faced with a Jakarta stadium crowd,
Don't say I'm Malaysian, loud and proud,
Remember, one wrong wong does not make all wongs wrong,
So don't go shoot your mouth and rant,
At FB not smart to fart outside your pants
And to many a wong gives offense
Invite to a teh tarik and make amends.
Aku terpana!
Mu spanar, aku skrew,
Mu pulas, aku tuas;
Mu nut, aku camshaft,
Mu berlubang, aku berbatang;
Mu rack, aku pinion,
Mu terlantar, aku hoister;
Mu universal joint, aku ball and socket,
Mu gyrate, aku dilate;
Mu silinder, aku piston,
Ada pelincir, ada action!
(Lying on the floor feet pedaling in the air, laughing!)
I want to live on,
I want to give one,
My pot of gold,
But I'm still searching for a heart of gold,
I've been a miner for a heart of gold,
And I'm getting old,
These expressions have never found a heart of gold,
Keeps me searching for a heart of gold,
I've looked in the neck of my woods,
I've been to faraway woods,
But I keep bumping into dead wood,
So I keep searching for a heart of gold,
And I'm getting old,
I want to live, I want to give,
Before I become old,
So I keep searching for a heart of gold.
(Adapted from Neil Young's song, Heart of Gold)