Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Listening to the Universe

It is past midnight,
Not a sound in sight,
Nor a sight within hearing,
But hark, the universe is heaving.


Nazlina said...

thought haikus must have odd number of lines?

WordWalker said...

If that is so, I've jest created a new hybrid/subspecies of haikus with even number lines ;-).

Nazlina said...

Haiku structure

Nazlina said...

Night was almost mute
Heard the owls thinking aloud
Hoping dawn will come

Anonymous said...

Hmm, ia this your own? It has promise of more to come ;-).

Anonymous said...

Haiku. Just referred to Wikipedia's "Haiku in English." Confirmed, haiku has variants to the base three-liner, 5-7-5 syllabic form. There are many haikus - or short poems - here, as you already know ...

Nazlina said...

Yes, that was my own haiku, a spin off from your "universe heaving".

I read Cryptonomicon, Bob Shaftoe, a marine in the book, composed haikus when he was not blowing up the Japs:)

I found them intriguing .. also when I researched the materials for Cheeseburger in Sendai book, I found out about Baso, the famous Japanese poet.

Nazlina said...

...and to think I told you before that I never even was interested about poems.. by the way Johanna will recite "Roses" next week during a competition.. hope she will not be tongue tied in the crowd.

Anonymous said...

Lead Johana thru a few practice sessions where there is a crowd of people not necessarily actually crowding around her like at the playground ... warn her people may give her the looks but more in admiration than anything else ...

Nazlina said...

She told me today during the rehearsal, out of 5 girls, teacher said she's the best.. she recited it by heart.. no notes:) I am proud of her.

Anonymous said...

Me too.

Nazlina said...

Adik got 2nd place after recital today, she said she was nervous as she was the first one to be on stage.. :) Will get her prize on Monday. She is such a funny girl.