Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Lemah Lembut

Dulu orang Cina bungkus kaki anak dara mereka,
Orang Afrika dan Borneo cucuk hidung dan telinga,
Gelangkan tengkuk dan entah melakukan apa lagi
Kepada tubuh badan mereka demi kepercayaan,

Sekarang ramai pakai kasut yang nipis,
Yang mendedah lebih banyak kulit puan
Daripada kulit kasut,
Mudah rosak, yang cengkam jari kaki,
Sehingga herot, yang mempunyai tapak tumit
yang tinggi dan kurus,
yang menganjak pusat graviti
beberapa cm ke atas dan
menjejas kestabilan imbangan kaki.

Apa nama produk akhir proses turun temurun
dan sejagat ini?

Wanita lemah lembut.


~CovertOperations78~ said...

Amazing. I wrote something along the same lines when I was 12. It was a poem entitled "Bound Feet", detailing the custom of foot-binding, and then in the final 2 stanzas, ladies walk past in their kitten heels, stilettos and strappies, smiling and smug, feeling sorry for their grandmothers who had to have bound feet.

I like yours much better, though.

Unknown said...

CO78: that juxtaposition between stilettoes walking past bound feet done at age 12 is worth another go! Who says you cannot rewrite a poem decades earlier! But only if you feel the 12 year old need a guiding hand. On the other hand you can leave the first well alone and write a second poem and then publish it side by side, as a second juxtaposition. Just my twosen.

~CovertOperations78~ said...

Entah dah bakar ke dah buang, Bang. Tak sanggup nak simpan dan rujuk semula semua puisi bodoh yang kita karang masa muda dahulu. Semuanya juvenalia belaka.

WordWalker said...

CO78: God knows how many poems were written and lost in the mist of time gone. But unlike you I recall them fondly and feel I did do justice to the call ... The earliest poems saved here are "Together Apart," "If I were blind," "The camera is too much between us." All written in 1969 or 70. I know where one of my earliest poems is being kept but I haven't got a copy of it. It is the MCKK class of 64 Fivean Magazine.