Thursday, November 27, 2008

Late Pilate

I'm late, I'm late, says Late Pilate,
Koyak pisang makan kulit;
Late to bloom,
Late to blog,
Pilate comes lately -
Can't say yet,
But at the rate he's always late
He may even die late!
Now that is one slate
To elate late Pilate.


~CovertOperations78~ said...

A most whimsical and quotable ditty! I can see the Pak Pandir / Don Quixote / Lazy Jack archetype in this fable-like poem!

Anonymous said...

CO78: You must have scored an A for Poetry 101! And still you found time to do law. Legalese too is a form of writing with its own meter and merit. I've read one or two treatises and enjoyed its vigor and erudition. Can't remember the name ... Lord Denning, I think.